Wednesday, November 16, 2016

We Did It

We did it. We've made it. I'll be heading up to the mission home in
about an hour. Never thought this day would come. I cant wait to see
you all tomorrow. Seriously, what a priceless moment that is going to
be. Thank you, each of you....for all of the love and support that you
have sent my way these past two years. The phrase, "I couldn't have
done it without you..." is an understatement for my mission. I
literally couldn't have done it if it wasn't for your prayers, your
love, your support, your letters, your emails and everything else.
I've been so blessed. Leaving this country will be every bit as hard
as it was to leave home, if not a little harder. Italy is my place and
my second home. Someday, I hope to make it back. Thank you all for
everything. I apologize that this email will be so short, I don't have
a lot of time this morning...but please know this...That I am going to
cherish these past two years. The ups as well as the downs. The highs
and the lows. The first Hello's and the last Goodbye's. I will cherish
all of the memories and experiences that I've made or been apart of
forever. I can't wait to tell you all about them.
I'll see you all at the airport tomorrow evening. In under 48 hours.
Are you ready? Hope you all are ready for the biggest hug you've ever
received. Once again, I thank you all. Please be safe and take care
today. You all are in my prayers. I'll see you soon, real soon.
Much love!!
Anziano JarDee Nessen
Italy Rome Mission
Romans 1:15-16

Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 7th, 2016 // 100th PDAY as a Missionary

Happy Monday Family and Friends.
Welcome to November. I never thought that we would ever reach this point, but low and we are. Today is my 100th P-Day here in the mission field. Time is moving fast, and each day the passes I seem to become a little more excited to see all of you, but as well a little more grateful for this beautiful country, these wonderful people and this truly amazing culture. Luckily, I still have one more full week to soak it all in. I would like to THANK each one of you for all of the love, support and prayers that you have sent my way during my time here in the mission field. I have said it before, and I will say it again, but there have been times in my mission when I have literally felt those prayers pushing me along. I love you all, truly I do. Here are some of the highlights from this last week here in Southern Italy.
Last Monday was Halloween, and speaking of which...I hope you all had a great Halloween!! The Musicco family invited us out to their home for dinner. We arrived and found the kitchen table all decorated and as soon as we came out of the elevator, the two little Musicco kids were in their masks hiding in the hallway and they scared us half to death. We had a nice dinner and had a good time together. Vittoria also invited one of our new investigators, Beatrice, over and her family as well to spend some time with us. It was awesome. We all laughed, joked and had a good time. Near the end of the evening, Elder Jacob and I grabbed the two little masks and went and hid. The kids would come and find us and we would scare the pants out of them. It was seriously so fun. They would just giggle and laugh. We played for a little while and we headed back to Bari. It made me think of all of the times when Tyke, Maci, Abbi and I would play games like that. The parents thanked us for making the kids night, and we thanked them for having us over. I will send some pictures home of our little family home evening together, Halloween style. 
Tuesday was some sort of Holliday over here in Italy, and to be honest I am not really sure what they celebrate...but we only had two people show up to our English course. We actually had a lot of fun. Following english course we headed over to a members home to assist him in carrying his mother in law up a few flights of stairs. She is a little old lady, who unfortunately is confined to a wheelchair. In their apartment building there is no elevator, so Elder Jacob and I picked her up and carried her home. The member was so grateful for us being willing to come over and lend them a hand, seriously so grateful. Elder Jacob and I were excited about being able to perform a little bit of service that requires a little bit of work with our hands. 
Wednesday morning we headed out to Trani once again to meet with The Musicco family and our investigators Rosa and Beatrice. We decided to talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Near the end of the lesson, Rosa and Beatrice kind of spoke up for the first time about their feelings about this whole Mormon thing. Rosa said that she enjoys it, and said that if she didn't feel like it was for her...she would never be apart of another lesson again. Luckily she continues to come and to listen. She has begun reading from the Book of Mormon, which is always nice to hear. She explained that she keeps her copy of the Book of Mormon on her nightstand right next to her bed. Beatrice shared a little experience with us that was pretty neat. She randomly flipped the Book of Mormon open and read a few scriptures from the 12th Chapter of Helaman. She had a few questions and Elder Jacob did a wonderful job responding to her questions. The verses that she randomly opened to were about missionaries and missionary work. She said, "Maybe this is some sort of sign..." We invited them to continue to read and to pray. Following that lesson, we headed down to Lecce, which is another city in our zone, to go on exchanges or splits with the elders down there. I was with a missionary who was pretty young in the mission, so I decided that during our little exchange that he was going to be the senior comp. He was going to make the decisions and take the lead in everything that we did. He is Italian and so he doesn't have any trouble with the language. We started at 4:00 pm and walked...and we walked....and we walked....and we walked....and we walked. Sadly, they didn't have any appointments scheduled, and so we had ourselves a long night of tracting. I asked if there were less actives that we could go and see. None. I asked if there were some members that we could go and visit. None. That night, after we had nearly walked to the moon and back...I humbly gave this missionary some ideas and things that they could do that would be more productive as well as effective. It was a great exchange and we had a good time. That missionary is truly a stud and a solid missionary. He is one of our district leaders here in the Bari Zone and is doing a great job leading his district. 
Skip forward to Friday. Again, on Friday morning we headed out to Trani to visit with the Musicco family and our new friends Beatrice and Rosa. We originally planned to do a little review of some of the things that we have already studied and make sure that they had understood everything well. Before the opening prayer was said, we asked all of them how they were doing. I then asked if someone would be willing to offer the opening prayer for us. Marianna said that she would be more than willing to offer it, and that she was going to include a lady that lives in her same apartment building. For this lesson we met at Marianna's home who lives about 5 minutes on foot from Vittoria's house. I asked if this lady was okay, and right then Marianna and Lucia became very emotional. Marianna went on to explain to us that there is a young mother living a few floors above her that is being beaten and threatened by her husband. They went into details about what he has done to both her and the children and the things that he has threatened to do, and honestly there was a lump in my stomach. We listened for about ten minutes, and I couldn't say a word, I didn't know what to say. When Marianna finished describing what is going on just a few floors up, a thought came to my mind that we should all kneel in prayer and pray for this poor young mother of three. I invited all those who were physically capable, because I knew that Marianna has problems with her knees. I asked if Marianna would be willing to offer the prayer, and she explained that she has knee problems but that she wanted to kneel anyways. It was powerful to see a lady who should be physically incapable of kneeling on a hard tile floor, just completely disregard her own health issues and capabilities to kneel in prayer for a lady who lives a three floors up in the apartment building. She said a short and sweet, but powerful little prayer and the spirit filled the room. The Holy Ghost put one topic in my mind as we arose from that prayer, and it was gratitude. We all all seven of us around that kitchen table took a little look into our own lives and realized just how blessed we truly are. We talked about Jesus Christ and how He is able to comfort, help, lift and love anyone in any situation. Sometimes we may have the thought, "Well, Christ never went through a divorce... So how can He truly understand how I am feeling right now?" To be honest, I am not sure how He does it, but I simply know that He does. We bore testimony of Him, of His redeeming power and His infinite love, even for that young mom who is dealing with something pretty difficult at the moment. I bore witness that there are Angels on her right and on her left that are supporting her, strengthening her, loving her and comforting her in every moment. I truly feel that we would be shocked and amazed if we could take a glimpse on the other side for just a moment and see the great the number of Angels that are around us, helping us, loving us and assisting in every second or every single day. It was a powerful lesson, and we all walked away with a prayer in our heart for that young mom. 
Yesterday in sacrament meeting, a younger looking couple walked in and sat down. I was a little surprised because they weren't our or the sisters investigators and I had never seen them before. Come to find out, that they are not members and that the lady had come into contact with the missionaries back in 2000. After Sacrament meeting we headed downstairs for the Gospel Principles lesson. Lucky for us, the teacher wasn't there and so we were asked to teach the lesson. We got downstairs and I began flipping through the manual and saw lesson 36, Eternal Families, and picked that one right away. This couple, Domenico and Nicla, are not married but they are getting ready to get married. The lesson went pretty well. At the end Nicla kind of opened up and explained how she felt. She said and explained that we hear these things and we want to believe that they are true....but to me they just seem like fairytales. She also said that she feels that Heavenly Father has abandoned her. Now, I have heard that phrase many times throughout my mission. Many times. Each time it comes up, I tend to ask..."How is your scripture study coming along? How often do you vocally pray? When was the last time that you attended your church meetings?" Usually these questions are followed by some pretty weak responses and excuses. Now, I didn't ask her any of these questions, but I've seen so many people over here in this country that do very little for Him, but yet expect Him to place 1 million in the back, a medical degree on the wall and a Lamborghini in the garage. Anyways, the lesson was coming to a close and we were running out of time and I wanted to respond to her comment about the things we were talking about and how they are most definitely not fairytales. I told the story that I've told hundreds of times. A young mother and her two little boys left home one morning, for the last time all together. I bore testimony that thanks to the covenants and promises that we made in the temple that morning as we kneeled at that alter in the Salt Lake Temple that I will be able to spend forever with that pretty lady that I said goodbye to over 16 years ago. I talked about how the ugliest phrase in any language is, "till death do us part..." To me, it makes no sense that we come here to this earth. We get married. We start a family. We overcome trials, difficulties and heartache together. We work together. We grow. We cultivate these relationships. We sacrifice so much for each other. We dedicate ourselves to one another. We grow old together. We do everything together...and then death comes alone and we are separated. That makes no sense. God would not put us here on the earth in families to do and go through all of those things here in mortality and then death comes along and we head on over to the other side where we are just friends, one big happy family with everyone here upon the earth. That makes no sense, and truly that "till death do us part" is the ugliest phrase that ever has been and ever will be said. I bore testimony that all sacrifices that are necessary to go to the temple are worth it. Honestly they shouldn't even be called sacrifices, we should just have the faith that the blessings that we will receive from those temple promises and covenants will make us INFINITELY more happy than whatever thing we may be doing at the present time that is keeping us from entering the House of the Lord and making those promises. I implored Nicla and Domenico to always have the temple in mind. I explained that obviously they will have to take some steps before they jump to the temple, but that the temple should always be in their minds. They are great and we will be seeing them this Saturday afternoon.
Family and Friends that wraps up this week here in Italy. So heading into my last week and knowing that next Monday is my last PDay, I kind of want to explain what's going to take place next week. So next Monday morning, the 14th, Im going to hop on a train here in Bari at 7:00 AM and that train will be taking me to Rome. I will arrive in Rome at about 11:30 AM. Then I will be heading from the Train Station to the Mission Office where I will turning in my iPad and all that good stuff. Following that, I will be heading out into Rome for my final PDay in the mission. I plan on heading to the Vatican and seeing as much as I possibly can, given that I have neve served in or even near Rome. week, I will not be responding to any emails personally. At about 5:30 AM to 6:00 AM next Monday morning I will be sending out my last and final email to everyone, but I wont have the time to respond to anyone personally. So if you have any questions or anything at all, please send me an email before Saturdayand I will respond to that question or whatever it may be in my final weekly email. 
Everyone...I love you. Goodness, I really do. The excitement is really starting to build and I can feel just how close we are, but I am grateful that I still have one more week. There is still so much to do. I will see you all next week in the Salt Lake Airport. I will talk more about that next week, but for now just know that I love you all and Im grateful for each and everyone of you. Please be safe and take really good care. 
God Bless and Much Love. 
Here's to one more week...
I love you.
Elder JarDee Nessen 

Pictures from Halloween. Anziano Cagnacci is one of the Elders that I went on exchanges with this week. Also pictures from our PaintBall Pday today here in Bari. Good times!! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31st, 2016 // #44 of 2016

Happy Halloween Family and Friends!! 
I hope that all of you have a Happy Halloween today. Please be careful and be safe. Be sure to send me pictures of your kids and their costumes. Ill be dressing up tonight as well. Im going to be dressed up as a Missionary!! What a fun day to preach the gospel and talk about our loving Savior Jesus Christ. Once again, you take care and be safe. I love you all and I hope that you each had a wonderful week this last week. Im praying for each of you, and I hope that nothing but the best is coming your way. Here are some of the goods from this last week.
Everyone in Trani is doing well. Marianna, Lucia, Vittoria, and Nicola are all doing really well. We were able to visit with them twice this last week and both times there was a powerful spirit in Marianna's home. On Tuesday morning we met with them the first time and they ended up bringing us two of their closest friends, named Beatrice and Rosa. Both of these ladies are mothers of young children and both have a strong faith in Jesus Christ. Both of them just have a light about them. We taught them the Restoration, which went really well. They were particularly interested in the Prophet Joseph Smith, which is always a good thing. One of the things that I am going to miss the most is definitely going to be telling the Joseph Smith story. What a powerful experience. Elder Jacob and I testified that our Heavenly Father knows them, that He loves them and that He is assisting them in every single moment of every single day. We returned on Thursday morning and we taught the Plan of Salvation, the divine Plan of Happiness. It went very well. I love teaching the Plan of Salvation. I love bearing testimony on the Plan of Salvation. We explained where exactly we came from when we were born. We explained why we are here upon the earth and just how important is earth life is. We also explained where we will all go after this life is said and done. Elder Jacob brought his witness and bore testimony on the truthfulness of the Plan of Salvation. Right when he finished, it was my turn and I received the impression that I needed to us a personal experience. I pulled up a picture of Momma Mandee's grave and asked them what it was. The picture was clear enough that they could read the name near the top of the gravestone. I explained to them that on August 26th, 2000, I, and each of you, lost someone very special. I bore testimony that we can live with our loved ones forever, and that death is most definitely not the end. The Spirit filled my mouth and filled the room once again. We closed the lesson and headed back to Bari. Trani is a magical place. I will forever remember all of the lessons, experiences and laughs that have taken place in the little town of Trani. I will forever remember the Musicco family, which has practically become family to me. I love teaching the Plan of Salvation. 
Thursday was the day before my last Zone Conference here in Bari. We had missionaries coming into Bari from every direction. President Pickerd and Sister Pickerd arrived at around 3:15and interviews started up immediately. While interviews were taking place, I was able to go on an exchange with one of the Assistants to the President. I teamed up with Elder Kelly, from Weber Utah. Elder Kelly and I played high school baseball against each other and we were at the MTC together as well. He is a good friend of mine and also will finish his mission here shortly. We organized an English Course activity and we decided to watch Meet the Mormons, which is always a good watch. We had about 20 students there which was neat. As Elder Kelly and I were sitting in the back we identified a student that we wanted to share the gospel with. After the movie was over and the activity was finished we asked him if he had 10 minutes, and he said yes. We talked a little bit about the Restoration, and he asked us a few questions. He is a good guy, and Elder Kelly and I were pretty pumped afterwards. We will be meeting with him on Thursday and we will begin the teaching process with him. Rafaelo is his name, and he played football back in the day. The first two questions that he asked me, before we even started the activity were..."Do you play American football?" And then, "Were you the quarterback?" Rafaelo is a stud and we are excited to start working with him.
Friday Morning we woke up real early, 4:30 AM, to prepare for our Zone Conference. That morning at 7:45, Elder Jacob and I were responsible for a meeting for all of the trainers and greenies in our zone. We were asked to give a training on the importance of companionship study. It went well and was a great way to start off the morning in preparation of the zone conference. Zone Conference went really well. President Pickerd instructed us. Sister Pickerd instructed us. The Assistants to the President instructed us as well. It was a powerful meeting and was a great last Zone Conference for me. Here in our mission, we have a tradition of having all of the missionaries in their last transfer, bear their testimony in their last zone conference. I had been thinking about what I wanted to say for a few days or so, because I wanted it to go well...and on Thursday morning I decided that I was just going to take the pulpit without having anything in front of me and just say what the Spirit put into my mouth. It just so happened that I was the concluding speaker of the conference. I took the stand and bore my testimony. One of the other missionaries caught nearly most of it on video, and I will send that home as well so you all can listen. I honestly don't remember a whole ton of what I said, but I remember feeling so much gratitude towards the Lord and for the time that He has given me to put His name on my chest everyday for the past two years. I remember feeling so much gratitude for all of the missionaries who were sitting down directly in front of me. I remember feeling so much gratitude for all of the ups and downs that I have had here in Italy. I finished my testimony, and we closed the conference. 
Saturday and Sunday we had Stake Conference here in Bari. We were blessed by the presence of Elder Alessandro Dini Ciacci, who is a general authority. He is an italian, and is the MAN. He seriously gives the greatest talks. Sadly I haven't been able to serve in his home ward up near Rome, but him and I have bumped into each other a few times since Ive been here in the mission field. For some strange reason, he has always remembered me and Ive always remembered him. We bumped into each other Saturday before the general session and chatted for a minute or two. He gave a great powerful talk that night, and gave the members of Bari literally 3 billion examples of how they can help us with our missionary work. Afterwards he pulled me aside, and I have to inform you that he speaks english perfectly, even the slang that us young kids use all of the time, and he said to me..."Are there going to be investigators at stake conference tomorrow?" I replied, "Yes." He replied, "Good, because tomorrow I am going to drop the bomb!" I was so pumped up. Literally I wanted to pick him up and put him on my shoulders, because he is just a little guy, but instead we settled for a knuckle bump and called it a night. Yesterday, at the Sunday Session, He dropped the bomb. Just before he rose to be the concluding speaker, the Mayor of Bari came in, which was a really big thing. Elder Dini Ciacci took the pulpit and gave one of the most powerful talks that I have ever heard. I wanted to stand up and clap when he was finished. Afterwards Vittoria and Nicola came with there two little boys and they were able to meet this general authority. He pleaded with them to get to the temple, and they quickly responded that the temple is the next step. Now Crotone, my first area, and Cosenza, my last area, are now apart of the Bari Stake. So I was able to see a ton of the members that I used to be with. When they came in, they were so excited to see me and I was so excited to see them. Goodness we took so many pictures, my cheeks were sore...but I loved it. Made me realize how blessed I truly was to serve in those cities, with those amazing members who each did so much for me. Afterwards I was able to talk with Elder Dini Ciacci for a little bit and take a picture with him. He wished me a safe travel home and thanked me for my service in his home country. 
In closing out today's email, I would like to talk about the Savior of the World a little bit and what He did when He was here on the Earth. A few weeks ago, a really good friend of mine, explained to me that she had began rereading the New Testament. That inspired me, and so the next day I started to do the same thing. One of the things that has stuck out to since then, is the number of times you read about Jesus healing someone, or even a group of people, that was afflicted with some sort of disability, illness, disorder, etc. One of my favorite accounts talks about two men who were blind. They were sitting there, and they heard Jesus pass by, cried out... "Have mercy on us, o Lord..." A few scriptures later the scripture says, "Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him." I wonder how many times we have cried out exactly how those two men who were blind cried out. In the scripture it says that these men heard the Savior pass by, and to me that says that right then He might have had other things to do, other people to assist, other people to heal and help and lift...but He immediately had compassion on those men, and healed them. He immediately stoped what He was doing, only after they cried out and it is important to illustrate that the two men cried out more than once, had compassion on them and healed them. It makes me wonder how many times we have cried out, and immediately the Savior of the World has immediately healed, helped, lifted or assisted us in our time of struggle, trial or difficulty. One of the things I love about this story here is that it says that the two men "followed Him" after He healed them. It makes me think how many times we have forgotten to follow Him after He has helped us, healed us, dried our tears, gave us strength, comforted us, loved us. It amazes me that no matter how many times we forget to follow Him, He still continues to extend His arm of mercy, to heal us, to lift us, to strengthen us, to guide us. Family and Friends, do not be scared to ask for His divine mercy. Those two men that were blind never would have been healed if they didn't cry out to the Lord, and they had to cry out more than once. Ask for His help, for His strength, and for His love...and ask more than once. He is ready, willing and ultimately wants to heal, He wants to lift, He wants to assist...but He cannot if we will not ask. BUT after we have received His help, His love and His grace, let us not forget to stand back up and follow Him. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that He heals. He heals the heart, the soul, the spirit. Christ is the solution to everything. I promise that He will never abandon us, let us down, or forsake us. That is simply against His nature, His character. Lets us for His help, but never forget to follow and thank Him for all that He gives us. The Lord loves the humble and the grateful. As we head into this month of Thanksgiving, let us remember each and everyday our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and thank Him for truly EVERYTHING that He has given to us. Lets also not forget to thank the Father that sent Him to us. 
I wish you all the greatest and happiest week of your lives. Have a Happy Halloween, and please be safe. Im praying for each of you and I love you all. Ive been blessed with the greatest support group this world has ever seen and I hope you know that I am so grateful for each of you. Be safe and take real good care. Let me know if I can do anything for anyone, or keep anyone in particular in my prayers. Much love. I'll talk to you next week. 

Peace be the Journey, 
Elder JarDee Nessen 

-Elder Dini Ciacci the general authority 
--Final Zone Conference Picture 
---Putting in Work on the street 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 24th, 2016 // #43 of 2016

Howdy Y'all.
        I hope that each of you had a great week back at home in the USA.
Things over here in this part of the world are going really well. The
weather has cooled down a fair amount, which is always a blessing. The
missionary work is continuing to move forward and the Lord is
hastening His work here in Bari, its a really neat thing to be apart
of. I don't have a ton of time today, so here are a few of the
highlights from this past week here in Italy.
        Last Monday evening we were invited to participate in a family home
evening with a family from our ward. The Straziota family, who I am
very close with. The husband, named Gianluca, served a mission in
England back in the day and he is seriously one of the coolest members
that I have met. His wife is one of the kindest ladies that I will
ever meet. They have two little kids, who are 7 and 5 years old. We
arrived and had a really nice meal with them. We laughed, joked around
and had a good time. As Elder Jacob and I were thinking of what we
could share with this family as a spiritual thought, a thought came to
my mind to do something like a Pop Quiz for the kids. We thought of
about 7 questions for the little kids, and we brought some pens and
pieces of paper for them to write their answers down. It was
incredible to sit around this 7 year old little boy, who is already
talking about his baptism that wont happen until next April, and this
cute little 5 year old girl and watch them respond to the questions
that we asked them about the Savior and His gospel. They knew every
single answer, and answered confidently. At the end, I showed the
little kids a few pictures of Christ that I have on my iPad and asked
who He was... They boh lighted up and proudly shouted, "Jesus!!!" I
started to ask them a few simple questions, and at one point I asked
"If you could say one thing to Christ, what would you say?" The little
5 year old girl replied, "Thank you." I followed that up with, "Why
thank you?" And she quickly responded, "Because I love Him..." The
Spirit filled the room, and tears filled the parents eyes. We all kind
of just sat there for a moment, and basked in the power of that
response. As we were driving home, I thought a lot about how that
little boy and that little girl acted when I started showing them
pictures of the Savior and how they responded to my questions. There
is just something about small children and the way that they feel
about the Savior. They don't understand everything perfectly, but they
do understand that Jesus Christ did and still does a lot for each of
us. They understand that Christ loves us, that He will always lend us
a hand, that He will always give us another shot, and they have zero
doubt in His infinite and redeeming power. They look at Him as an
older brother, a friend, a hero. The little kids from last Monday
night told us that they couldn't wait to meet Him again. Two things
from that Family Home Evening stuck out to me: 1 - The little girls
answer to my question "..because I love Him.." and 2 - How they were
excited to see and be with Christ once again. That night has stayed
with me and I have had some thoughts throughout the week, such as:
"Jard...Do you love Him as perfectly and as deeply as those kids do?"
"Are you excited to see and be with the Savior once again?" I hope
that if I am ever asked those two questions that I will be able to
respond just as those two little ones answered, and I hope the same
for each of you. We should love the Savior, just as genuinely and
sincerely as those little ones do. We should also be excited to see
Him once again, be excited to be with Him, to talk with Him and thank
Him... I know that thinking about being with and standing in front of
the Savior often times came seem a little overwhelming and nerve
racking, but I think that we will be surprised at how merciful, how
loving and how gentle He will be and especially if we have truly loved
Him both in word and in deed here upon the earth. That Family Home
Evening will stick with me forever... I thanked my Father in Heaven
for the opportunity to be with the Straziota family for a little bit.
        Wednesday we climbed up on a train and headed to Rome for a
conference. We arrived in the giant Rome Train Station and were
greeted by our assistants. They handed a bunch of materials and we set
off to get some proselyting work done in Rome. What an experience it
was. For me, I have never been able to serve in Rome, and so it was
the first opportunity that I had to walk were some of the original
Apostles walked and testify where they once testified. It was a
surreal evening, even though we didn't see a whole ton of success. I
was able to bump into Anziano Da Ponte, my companion from Mistretta,
and we were able to stop and talk to some people just like old times.
It was truly a beautiful experience and a night that I shall never
forget. Following a fear hours of tracting, we headed to the hotel
that we stayed at that is located right next to the mission home. Now,
a year and a half ago Elder Bednar came and visited our mission and I
stayed at that exact same hotel. I had a moment or two to think back
and reflect on who I was at that time and who I am now. It kind of
became real in that moment that I won't be here much longer and that
was a tough pill to swallow.
        Thursday morning we got up early and made our way to the Rome 1
church house. We arrived about an hour and a half before the
conference began and started getting missionaries in their seats.
Right at 8:40, President Russel M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of
the Twelve Apostles, entered the room with President Hallstrom, of the
Presidency of the 70, and President Kearon, the Europe Area President,
and each of these men were accompanied by their wives. Each missionary
was privileged enough to be able to shake the hands of these men and
look right into their eyes. It just so happened that I was the last
missionary to shake their hands, and so that gave me a little extra
time with them. I looked right into President Nelson's eyes and I
thanked him for coming. He had the bluest eyes I had ever seen. He
just looked gentle, loving and kind but so composed and powerful at
the same time. I will always remember the feeling I had when I shook
his hand... It was a powerful moment. The conference was uplifting. It
seriously felt like a general conference. Having so many big time
General authorities speaking to us and bring their testimonies. It was
great. We heard from President and Sister Kearon, who were followed by
President and Sister Hallstrom, who was then followed by Sister Nelson
and President Nelson closed the meeting. The 92 year old rickety old
man stepped to the pulpit as if he was 40 years old and taught for a
solid hour. He used no notes, no printout. He stepped to the pulpit
and went completely by the spirit. It was incredible. He held up his
set of scriptures and said I bought on May 27th and made the goal that
I was going to read every single word... Which he did in two weeks. I
was shocked, we all were. It took him two weeks to do something that I
haven't ever done in twenty years. Haha. He taught in such a humble,
but yet powerful way. He is definitely human, but he is nearly
perfect. It was a pleasure to be in his presence and to be taught by
him. It was yet another day that I shall not forget.
        Well family, thats about all of the time I have today...I wish I had
a little more, but this week was a solid one and it was full of days
and experiences that I hope to remember forever. Im so blessed to be
where I am, to be doing what I am doing. I love the Italian people. I
love this country. Most of all...I love all of you. I'm praying for
you and I hope that all is well. Keep believing. Keep moving forward.
There is power in the scriptures and hitting our knees in prayer,
daily. Let us always remember Him, so that when the day comes and we
will stand before Him once again...we will be ready. I love you family
and friends. I wish you nothing but the best. Have a great week and
take care. I love ya.
Anziano JarDee Nessen
Italy Rome Mission
Romans 1:15-16

-Elder Chilvers and Elder Vrska. My brothers from the mission.

--Elder Da Ponte. My partner in crime. 

---Elder Dunn. My greenie.

I love all of these was a pleasure to serve with and around
each of them. Some of my closest friends in the world.


Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17th, 2016 // #42 of 2016

Good Morning Family and Friends,
I hope that you all had a good week and I hope that all is going well for each of you. I would just like to thank you all for writing me, for praying for me and for supporting me week in and week out. I am very blessed to have such an incredible support group. I love you all very much. 
Things are going well out here in the Jungle. I love it. There is no place that I would rather be at the moment. My companion, Elder Jacob, is the MAN. Seriously such a good missionary. Im lucky to be serving along side of him. Our work is going pretty well, which is always a blessing. Our teaching pool is continuing to grow, and the Lord is leading us to those who have been prepared. Here are a few experiences from this last week.
First off, Marianna and Lucia are doing really well. Goodness they are incredible. We were able to meet with them two times last week and it is always awesome to be able to spend a little bit of time with them. In our first visit last week we decided to read the first 15 or 16 verses of 3rd Nephi chapter 11. This is the chapter when Jesus Christ first appeared in America. After He descended from Heaven, He invited the multitude to come and touch His scars. With Marianna, Lucia and Vittoria we talked about how one day we will also have the opportunity to be before the Savior of the World, and the Redeemer of us all. We talked about how amazing of an experience that will be, if we arrive at that judgement bar clean, pure and prepared. The spirit was nearly tangible and each of us received yet another witness of the power of the Book of Mormon. Marianna, Lucia and Vittoria are incredible. 
When Marianna and Lucia were baptized, we invited a catholic minister to come and see. Well he came, and after the baptism we kept in touched a little bit. Last week he invited us over to his home to eat lunch with his family. We were able to meet his entire family, and spend some time with him. His name is Michele Pinto. He is an incredibly kind guy, and has to be one of the neatest people that I have met here in italy. After lunch we sat down, and he pulled out his bible. We began reading, and he began talking, and talking and talking. He has a degree Religious Science and obviously knows the Bible pretty well. We left him a copy of the Book of Mormon and invited him to read it. During his sermon on the couch, I noticed a few things that he said that were doctrinally incorrect. As we were leaving, I stopped and thought just how lucky and blessed we are to have the gift of the Holy Ghost and just how essential that divine gift is. The Holy Ghost testifies of truth, therefore we do not have to try and put all of the puzzle pieces together ourselves, with our own limited and mortal brain capacity. Michele is a good man, and we hope that he will be humble enough to open the Book of Mormon ad honestly give it a shot. The biggest problem that I have run into when teaching people that are very knowledgeable of the Bible is that they think that we are trying to extinguish all of the studying and learning that they have previously done, when in all actuality we are simply trying to build on it. We aren't trying to weaken peoples faith out here, we are simply trying to help them grow that faith. We aren't trying to get people to leave everything they have already learned and studied behind, we are simply trying to show them other revelations and other scriptures that would surely add to that knowledge if they would simply give it an honest shot. I pray that he will pick it up, because he could be a really incredible member of the church, as well as his family. 
We received a referral a few weeks back from the other Elders here in Bari and finally we were able to meet up with this guy yesterday evening. His name is Bernard, and he is from Nigeria. Bernard is 22 years old and speaks english like an American and Italian like an Italian. He is very knowledgeable of the bible. He came to the Sunday morningsession of General conference and really enjoyed it. Last night we talk him the restoration in english, and crazy enough it was the first time that I had ever taught the restoration in English during my mission. It was nice to be able to teach and testify of the prophet Joseph Smith in my own native tongue for the first time in the mission field. Bernard had a lot of questions, and we were able to answer most of them...but he was most excited about the Book of Mormon. Before we started the lesson, Bernard mentioned to us that his father passed away when he was only 3 years old, right in that moment I felt really connected to Bernard and at the end of the lessons was able to tell him that because of the Prophet Joseph Smith and because of the Book of Mormon that he translated by the power of God that I will see the mom that I lost when I was four and that Bernard will see the dad he lost when he was three. It was a powerful moment for me to be able to testify of such truths in english for the first time, as well as for Bernard because in that moment the spirit testified to him that it was true. 
Here in Bari our members are really awesome. We have so many returned missionaries and so many people that speak english. Its awesome. We are constantly pulling pranks on each other and jokes with one another. It reminds me of joking with good ole Jon Howard and all of the BYU fans back home in the Great Elwood First Ward. We were invited over to a members home last week and they made us some homemade Italian food and goooooooodness gracious it was gooooood stuff. In short, I am grateful for Bari and for the wonderful members of the church here. I love this place. 
This Wednesday afternoonwe will be taking a train to Rome and on Thursday Morning we will be having a conference with President Russel M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  Goodness gracious I am PUMPED to be with him, as well as President Hallstrom and President Kearon at the same time. I cannot wait. I'll talk more about that next week.
To close out this week, I would like to share a quote that I found as I was going through my study journal. It reads:
"If you saw the size of the blessings coming, you would understand the magnitude of the battle that you are fighting..." —Unknown 
This made me think of one of my favorite scriptures, and it comes from the New Testament. Romans 8:18 and it says:
"18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."
Be Strong and Keep Moving Forward. The Lord is on your side. 
I love you Family and Friends. Once again, thank you for it all. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything for anyone. Im praying for you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Have a good one!!  

Peace be the Journey,
Elder J.Nessen 

Sadly I didn't take any pictures this week, but here are some videos of us playing basketball today. We had a good time, and we even were able to play with Kobe Bryant and D Rose. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10th, 2016 // #41 of 2016

Hey there y'all.
Happy 22 Months today!! So update on transfer news....
Ill be finishing my mission here in Bari, and my companion is Elder Jacob. Elder Jacob is a STUD. We received our transfer calls last Monday evening just before 9:00 pm and when I received my call, I knew that it came from the Lord. Im lucky to be concluding this two year experience with a guy like Elder Jacob. What a blessing!
Also, some more news...In ten days, on October 20th, we will be having another conference up in Rome. We will be lucky enough to be in the presence of the President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. There will also be The Presiding Bishop, Bishop Caussè. President Kearon, President of the Europe Area. Elder Hallstrom of the Presidency of the 70. We will only be able to be with these four disciples of Jesus Christ for a few shorts hours, but we are going to be blessed to be able to learn literally at the feet of these incredible men. I'm hoping that we will be able to shake their hands. President Nelson spoke to us twice while I was in the MTC. President Kearon was with us last month. I'm super, super excited.
Last Monday we shipped Elder Borough up to Rome on a train, leaving me with the other two Elders here in Bari. Elder John-Paul Perfili and Elder Jared Haws. We had a good week, even though teaching, finding and everything else is always a little more awkward in a trio. It was great though, and I love those two guys. Tuesday evening, we received a call from one of the sister companionships asking if we could come and pick them up...because one of the sisters back was having problems and she couldn't walk any longer. We went and picked her up, and she asked if I would administer a priesthood blessing. I walked into another room of their house, climbed down on my knees and asked Heavenly Father to inspire my thoughts and words. We administered a priesthood blessing and the next day, this sister was without pain and was able to get back to work. Im not going to lie, administering a priesthood blessing still scares me to death and always fills me with anxiety, but I'm grateful for priesthood blessings and for being able to administer and receive them. They are so powerful; they heal, they comfort, they calm, they help us feel the love of God. It is truly a wonderful thing. To be down right honest, Im not sure if I would have made it through the first few days of the MTC if it wasn't for a priesthood blessing that one of the elders in my district administered to me. Since then, that missionary has become one of my beset friends. Im grateful for the power of the priesthood, and hope to always live worthy to be worthy to be able use that sacred power when called upon.
Thursday was transfer day, my last transfer day in fact. Transfer is always kind of a wild one. We've always got missionaries hoping on buses, trains and planes. We've always got missionaries getting off of buses, trains and planes. Some here and some there. Missionaries are everywhere. It was an eventful day, but everyone made it to their areas safe and sound which is a good thing. I was with Elder Perfili when he picked up his greenie from the train station here in Bari. It was a special moment to be able to stand back and watch this brand new missionary step off of the train for the first time in his first area. Elder Perfili gave his greenie a big hug and they talked for me a minute. It took me back to my very first transfer day, back to when I stepped off of the train for the very first time and Elder Kiser was there waiting for me. He gave me a big hug and instantly he became my hero. Elder Mika was there too. He gave me a big hug and then jumped on the train that I just got off of. Elder Kiser bought me a sandwich and a drink at a grocery store that was close by the train station, and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world that he could order his own sandwich in Italian. I'm grateful that I had the chance to look back two almost two years ago and reminisce my first day in the mission.
My new companion, as I said earlier is Elder Sam Jacob from Lehi, Utah, arrived at 6:00 pm and as soon as he arrived we chucked his luggage in the back and we headed to our weekly meeting with our ward mission leader. As we entered the room, the sisters were already there and I noticed that one of these sisters had tears in her eyes. I didn't want to ask questions, or make the situation I shook her hand, smiled and sat down. Our meeting went well and our English course started right after. English course also went well. We have some really kind students that are good, good people. Anyways, after we teach each English lesson, we always finish with a spiritual thought and prayers. The sisters gave the spiritual thought on trials and the reasons why we sometimes are called to pass through affliction, even though we have been obedient to the commandments and tried to do our best. Right then, I knew exactly why this sister had tears in her eyes. After we said the prayer and listened to the spiritual thought, we said goodbye to the students and while we were cleaning up, this sister asked if we could give her a priesthood blessing. She asked if I would be willing to administer the blessing, and I humbly accepted. I walked into a room nearby the room that we were in, and I knelt to pray. As I knelt I could literally feel that this sister missionary was loved, both by Our Father Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ and by her family back home in Alaska. I could feel the love that the Savior of the World had and still has for this young and valiant servant. I asked Heavenly Father if He would fill my mouth and speak through me. I asked Him to guide my words and my thoughtsand I asked Him to make this a powerful experience for all who were present. I thanked Him for the power of the priesthood, and for His divine mercy. I arose from my knees and administered the blessing. At a certain point of the blessing I was having to fight by my emotions, because the spirit was so strong. Again, I could feel the love that the Savior had for this young sister missionary and it was powerful. The blessing closed and she shook our hands and thanked us.
Friday Afternoon, Elder Jacob and I headed out to Trani to visit with Marianna and Lucia once again. We decided to talk about the pioneers, their priceless sacrifices and the miraculous blessings that we receive today thanks to those faithful pioneers. They didn't know much, if anything, about the early Latter-day Saints who walked across an untamed prairie floor and how many lost their lives due to a variety sicknesses, a severe lack of nutrition, terrible weather conditions and many other reasons. We shared the story of the three young men who carried an entire caravan across a frozen river, the story about how they often left footprints of blood in the snow as they walked and walked and walked, the story about the little boy who put his little brother on his back and carried him to camp which ended up costing him his life. There was a special and respectful spirit in the room, as there always seems to be when talking about those early saints and rightfully so. We bore testimony that they endured, they overcame hard things and conquered trials and pains that we may never experience in this life. We bore testimony that thanks to them, the once then little band of faithful followers, the church is now found in all of the world, including Trani, Italy. I love the pioneers and marvel at the faith that they had in leaving everything behind to head to Zion.
Saturday was a very special day, another very, very special day. Elder Jacob and I organized our zones travel to Rome for the upcoming conference on the 20th with President Nelson. Following that jungle of fun, we made our way to church and began to fill the baptismal font once again. We began to prepare the church house here in Bari, for the baptism of Marianna and Lucia. This time we started to fill the font much earlier, but still ended up having to dump buckets and buckets of water in the baptismal font, which was okay. We loved every minute of it. Marianna and Lucia looked so good in their white gowns. They were truly glowing. I wish that I could have recorded the whole thing, because it was a powerful service...but just believe me when I say that Marianna and Lucia had a beautiful and wonderful glow about them that radiated throughout the entire chapel. We took a picture together and made our way to our seat. The service started at 5:30 pm and right from the get go the spirit was strong. We sang, prayed and listened to some talks about the importance of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. We then made our way downstairs and headed down to the baptismal font. Elder Perfili was asked to perform the ordinanze for Marianna, and Lucia asked if I would be willing to baptize her. Marianna and Elder Perfili made their way down into the font, and she was baptized. While under the water, she panicked a little bit and ended up drinking about 300 gallons of water. Elder Perfili brought her back up and it took Marianna a little bit to catch her breath. Lucia and I were watching from the stairs, and I looked away just for a moment when I heard Lucia say, "She's passing out!" Just then I turned and watched Marianna faint and Elder Perfili held onto to her. Something in my mind went, "take control." I immediately climbed down the stairs and grabbed Marianna as carefully and safely as I could. I put both of my arms under hers and began walking backwards up the stairs with her in my arms. We got her out and sat her down on the stairs and she came out of it. She looked a little confused but after a second she was alright. It was honestly one of the wildest things that I have ever been apart of. I'm grateful that I listened to that little voice my head telling me to take control of the situation, because if I hadn't that place would have turned into a crazy place real quick. After the situation calmed down and Marianna was stable, Lucia and I made our way down into the baptismal font. We both took a deep breath and Lucia was baptized. She came up out of the water and the first thing she did was smile. It was a moment that I shall never forget. I whispered "Congratulations!!" and we made our way out of the font. The service came to a close and it was truly marvelous. It was wild for a minute or two, but in the end it will go down as one of the most beautiful events that I have ever been apart of. Once again, smiles filled the chapel. Marianna and Lucia were glowing and radiating so much light. They were happy, and we were all happy along with them. That evening Lucia and Vittoria invited us to a surprise dinner for Marianna out in Trani. We headed out to Trani and surprised Marianna. She was so happy and so grateful that we came. She reminds me of my Grandma Nan; sweet, kind, caring, loving and pure in heart. We ate a ton, and headed on home.
Sunday Morning we headed out to the Church house in Bitonto for the Confirmation of Marianna and Lucia. Once again, Marianna asked Elder Perfili if he would be willing and Lucia asked if I would be willing, we both humbly and gratefully accepted their invitation. Marianna went first once again, don't worry this time she didn't faint, and she received a wonderful blessing. After the prayer she arose from the chair with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. She could feel the spirit, we all could. It was nearly tangible. Following Marianna, Lucia made her way up to the chair and she also received the gift of the Holy Ghost and a blessing. After the blessing was closed, she also arose from the chair with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. During the blessings I noticed that the chapel was completely silent. The little kids quit coloring and whispering, there were no air conditioners on, nothing. It was completely silent. It was priceless. We all felt the spirit and the infinite love that Jesus Christ has for Marianna and Lucia. What an experience...what an experience.
Sunday afternoon we went and visited little Sister Valenti. Sister Valenti is the little 93 year old member here in Bari, and she is an absolute rock. She was baptized 32 years ago, and was a temple worker for 16 years and she then served two missions at the temple in Switzerland. She is absolutely incredible. As of late, she hasn't been doing very well, not at all. She is having some head pain and she can't sit up because her head starts to hurt. We went over to her house yesterday to bless the sacrament and be with her for a little bit. She is so pure, so strong and so kind. She has a memory like an elephant and doesn't forget a thing. After we blessed and passed the sacrament, she told us story, after story, after story. I loved every second of it. For a moment it felt like I was sitting with Grandma Frank. Sister Valenti reminds me so much of Grandma Frank. Each time we visit Sister Valenti she always gives us a glass of juice and an ice cream cone. Grandma Frank used to do the exact same thing with a little bag packed full of gummy bears. On our way out she grabbed us by the hand and thanked us for all that we do, and she told us that she loved us. She gave us both a kiss on the cheek and we said goodbye. Grandma Frank used to do the exact same thing. I remember that used to compliment us on our sport accomplishments and ask how school was going. Two wonderful women, and each of them have blessed thousands and thousands of lives both in the USA and over here in Italy. While we were sitting there with Sister Valenti, I became teary eyed for a moment and thanked Heavenly Father for the tender mercy that He sent my way.
Family and Friends, it's been a wonderful week. Truly a wonderful week indeed. I cant thank my Father in Heaven enough. He has blessed me with so much. From a loving family back home, to a new family here in Italy. From being able to stay here in Italy for two full years, to all of the experiences that I've been able to experience. I could never thank Him enough. God is truly good my friends and family, and He truly loves us. I hope you all have a wonderful week, and I hope that each of you know that I love you. I'm praying for you. Be strong and keep moving forward. Here are a few of my scriptures that I'll leave you with this week...
Deuteronomy 31:6,8
6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
8 And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.

I love you all so much. Have a great week. 